Sunday, January 22, 2006

A Recipe?? OH I love a good recipe.....

I am the one on the Left..... Not the seal!
Stop looking at the seal. Many of the mishaps in my life are just like this picture.

"Look at the camera!! "

"Not that camera....!!"

Recipe for Most recent Mishap....


1 lb Enthusiasm
2 tbs Distraction
Stir in .....
1 new doctor's office

Mix well. Until embarrassment is the only possible outcome.

A couple weeks ago I had heard a friend compliment a co-worker about his being a "great Pediatrician". I am always on the look out for a good pediatrician because ours is just .... well mediocre. Then we talked about languages and Potuguese came up and he mentioned this Pediatrician was from Brazil. Kewl.
So last week my Thing 2 had teeth common in and was feeling yuck, I then made an appointment with this GREAT Pediatrician. He was notably good and hey he was someone who spoke a language I did.

So the appointment date arrives. We all cram into the exam room (Thing 1, Thing 2, and I).

Enter "Great Pediatrician"

Pediatrician: Hello, how are you all doing today?

Me: Great! we are here today because we had heard you were a great pediatrician.

Pediatrician (humbly): Oh why thank you.

Me(very excited!!): I also heard you were Brazilian. Que bom, voce fala Portuguese!

Pediatrician(now with his head cocked to the side, with a half smile): What?

Me ( in one breath teen-hyper-mode fashion) :I know that is exactly what I said! I am so excited para fala portuguese! Now your friend said that you are from the Northern part of Brazil around Recife?? What part are you from?? I spent some time in Bahia. I love it in the North. What part of the north are you from??

Pediatrician(reaching slowly with a stethoscope to listen to thing 2's heart beat ----Pauses----)

Me (noticing a pause slips in): I just want you to know that your friend told me what a great pediatrician you were before I heard that you were from Brazil. (add wink--Brazilian gesturer for "see how savvy I am")

Pediatrician (Deep breath, rather blank expression): Just a moment.

He listens to Thing 2's heart beat then her Lungs. Pulls back the stethoscope and says, "I am From the Middle East, who told you I was from Brasil?"

At this point it hasn't full sunk in how deep the embaressing moment was going. "Oh who was it..... Ummmm?? I am not sure .....I think ......

We changed the subject promptly, and had a lovely visit. He is a great Pediatrician. Stay tuned for Thing 1's visit to Dr. "Great".

This week has brought some fun new discoveries. Thing 2 is fluent in Wookie.
Thing 1 is still a mute so I will type his new discoveries.

Valued Lessons of Thing 1

1. Chapstick and glue sticks may appear to be the same, but are very different.

2. Mom's deodorant does smell like it would taste good.

3. Crayons write better than they taste.

4. Dad laughs when I fill the door handle, of our car, full of bottled soda.


Pam said...

Sounds exactly like something I would do. Glad to hear once the redness faded you had a good dr. appt. Welcome to the blogworld!

Donnetta said...

Too funny! Only because I can relate so well!! The bright side: at least this Dr. will probably always remember who you and your little ones are. Forget having to look at the chart first. :-) I'm enjoying your posts. Keep it going!!

Unknown said...

Oh man, that was good. I'm still chuckling.