Sunday, January 08, 2006

Only on Sundays...

I am noticing this blog thing is addictive.... really addictive. So Sunday nights are the update night. I like limits and boundaries they are good for me.

The newness of the Year may have someting to do with my new attitude of boundaries.

Resolutions that aren't so resolute (as of late).....

1. Getting up early

2. Dealing with the goal of setting goals

3. Love more.

4. Yoga more than last year (once is more than last year)

5. Read and understand more.

6. Smile with my heart more.

Alright, started a new book and loving the thought provoking effects. "The Alchemist" written by a Brazilian named Paulo Coelho.

This year's new loves.....

Buying books.

Sheets with 320+ thread count.

New comforters for the new year.

Watching Thing 1's vocab expand with words like HEY!! and Yeah!

Waving at Thing 2 with my fingers and the back of my hand my mouth. Just immitating her.

Seeing my friends kids as they are growing up.


Kathy said...

dealing with the goal of setting goals - when you figure out the trick, puh lease let me know! 29 years and not a stinking sticker of accomplishment on that chart o life! dadgum.

Anonymous said...

The Alchemist is a GREAT book! Good choice!