Thursday, January 05, 2006

The Band's picture takin' skills...

I do love my Band ... he does have thoes picture takin skills down. I notice the composition gettin better and better. The leve is so full and everything has been green lately because of the copious amounts of rain we have gotten in the past couple of weeks.

Thing 1 and Thing 2 have been good as we entertain ourselves Geo caching all over our little town. They both have runny little noses and are the epitamy of cuddly and cute. I just wish Healthy and cuddly could exist in the same space time contiuim. Thing 2 is teething and four are breaking through at the same time. I am ready for her to go on strickly "people food diet". She has been handeling the breads, meats and eggs pretty good. For a nine month-old she is pretty advanced in all her skills. Takes after my Band.

1 comment:

Kathy said...

that is a really stellar pic a ture! and i'm glad you're blogging!