Friday, September 03, 2010

There is a new app and I am addicted to it!

SO for about a week I decided to rid myself of my cell phone and then I found this Iphone app that makes your world beautiful and vintage all at the same time! It is called Hipstamatic and it is an awesome glorious thing. I can't wait to play around some more every day with the new and different lenses filters and flashes that give you all different options. I should have gotten another Blackberry lol.

My neighbor just told me to shut up I can hear her from here :) she is stoked the new Crackberry is already in stores. But really can she find this on there if soooooo I could be a cr@ck baby again too :)

1 comment:

Karine Jones said...

Wow, those pictures look so good! What an awesome job!