Sunday, January 30, 2011

Crafting is Therapy until it becomes your drug.

This is the kindergarten project we did for the auction comming up on Feb. 5 at the local art center. We started with photo copies of the little plants had each student color them in. Then taking all the left over scrap booking letter supplies we made the lables. Put about three to five coats of Mod podge on them. Sealed them up and glossed them with a nice acrylic sealer* and stuck them all in a pot.

I had so much fun with the kids and seeing them color so carefully was so much fun.

Finding the 25 different plants was the difficult part.

Oh and the sealer mishap.
**sealer mishap: used sealer outside to spray twenty five spoons. Inhaled enough to not be able to read for about 6 hours.

The Band asked me where I was married as a general knowledge question.... yeah took me a good minute to answer. It was like a cloud was hiding all the thinks I knew I knew. I paniced and started to get a raging headache then I yacked. Felt a bit better. The Band aired out the house and took the "dried" project outside. Then I went to sleep it off. Woke up still a little hazy but could read.


Moral of the story: USE acrylic Sealer for a longer periods of time, indoors if you would like to erase all memories of your wedding and children's names.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Southern California Trip

Ok we had a blast! The sand the surf and the trip to knott's were so much fun. It was so fun spending time with the family and seeing the Uncles again.
we are still talking all the time about the Log ride and the cousins jumping over the uncles. It is time to look into moving closer to family. I

Fry throwing contest at In and Out was so funny! So glad I got it on video.

Friday, January 14, 2011

The fish

Need I say more? Well ok there are a couple of things that are necessary. This kid is my loop. He wants something and he puts it on loop til he gets it. Over and over and over again until I have to put him in a totally new world of wonderment to help him for get his loop or give in. I usually give in and thus finding the loop effective he continues. He is so my baby of the family. Still three and turning four soon and still has the "ridiculous Binki"

One evening he was looking for said binki and said, "Mom where is my STUPID binki. Well long ago we had declared Stupid a bad word and so he was being emphatic about it.
I asked him not to say stupid to which he replied,"Moahnnmm! Whewah is my Ri-DIC-uh-lous binki?"

He is so fun loving it is so fun going new places with him. He always thanks us for taking him places that are really fun and even for the not so FUN ones. There is always a good ninja move or ski mask to wear around the house. He loves playing dress up and costumes are his favorite.
We see a new movie and he wants the costume of the main character. Last week it was Mega Mind. I think if I just painted his head blue that would do the trick. He has a most enormous noggin. But it is so cute and he is starting to grow into it-unfortunately.

I love his cute little "do you wemember when" stories and he goes on and on about how we went to the farmer's market or someone's house. He frequently remembers going to Adele's house and feeding the parrot. And talks all the time about the Waites.

He just melts my heart when he slips his little hand in mine and says, "Mom, I love holdin' yow hand." Yes I am a sucker for my little Fish. :)

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Play time at our house

We love building things and making things with the things we have:) One afternoon it was a jump park out of books. Then a couple days ago Brady comes in looking like this. BlogBooster-The most productive way for mobile blogging. BlogBooster is a multi-service blog editor for iPhone, Android, WebOs and your desktop

All about Thing 2

We have been fooling around with the camera a bunch and found that Thing2 likes to pose for pictures.

Here is a short list of all the goods on Thing 2
  • announcing to everyone she is already six although it isn't official for another couple of months. (yes even Santa at the Band's Work party got the "I am Six line")
  • She doesn't like Candy Cookies or anything with a large amount of Sugar. Strangers are not a danger if they come bearing treats!
  • She is particular about all her clothes (Pajamas yes pajamas too!)
  • Is in love with two or more boys at a time. Currently Miguel and Aaron.
  • Doesn't want to marry Donovan although he has been professing undying love, and devotion since the beginning of the school year.
  • Loves to take care of her brothers and her parents when she finds she can help them in some fantastic way.
  • loves to make up crazy stories about what happened at school that day! Oh man I have heard about kids kicking teachers, a boy calling her a goblin, and her teacher's cousin getting lost in the city! Today it was that she had a rough day when I came late to pick her up.
  • Loves animals and cries when they are too cute.
  • Loves her hair down or in pigtails. Calls her braids "curlies"
  • Plays My little ponies
  • Dances like a rockstar
  • Can't get enough of Soccer since the Fall season ended.
  • loves being outside
  • Jump ropes up to seven jumps in a row.

Saturday, January 01, 2011

Little Thing 1 turns 7

There aren't enough words for the feelings I have on this day.

In one moment I am holding in my arms this wide mouthed screaming little boy. Having him calm down right away as I start to talk to him. And now I have this wonderful little man that is so quick with a compliment for all that he meets. He is gentle and sweet and so protective of the underdog. He is always ready to play and have a "great time" I miss him this year, as it is his first going to six hours of school. He wants so badly to do the right thing and often succeeds. He reminds me constantly of what the gospel teaches and what I need to be doing in order to raise the wonderful gifts I have been given. He always spits out the lessons or morals to what he learned through out the rough experiences he has had.

Season ends with a bang!

Thing 2 really enjoyed playing soccer this year. She has played all the time at recess since. Love of the game is strong and so we finally broke down and bought a soccer ball.