Monday, October 06, 2008

Long Post about all that is going on.....

I need to keep looking for shoes the fish needs shoes.

I need a new digital camera. I can't believe how expensive they got. I thought i could pick up a cheap one but 100 bucks is a cheap one now a days.

Then there is the exercising thing. I need to get out and walk. But with the kids it is hard. -not really I am just unmotivated- So I left a comment at one of my fav. bloggers. and so if she goes I'll go :) walking/running. It is so nice to put the motive in another person's hands.

My friend has started Atkins and she is looking great! Go PAO! And I am pretty sure there are tons of my friends who are getting on the healthy stick I need to join them.

Oh Wait there is the cough. Every year around this time there is this cough that comes to visit. The weather has finally changed around here and so we all have the cough. Thing 2 stayed home today. She has missed like three Mondays in a row. By Tuesday I figure all the other kids have the same cough and send her to school. She has no fever nor green gook coming from her face. So I guess she'll be good to go. She has an appointment on the 22nd for a full physical. I am going to quiz him about her itchy skin too. We need some good stuff for that. I have no clue what will work. And if she still has the cough we are going to do something about it then.

Then there is Thing 1 he is finally getting into Preschool the state funded preschool had one opening. Thank goodness. Now we have to determine if it will be mornings or afternoons:)

If he goes to morning preschool that would work best. I think instead of just dropping him off we'll be sitting in on class for the first couple of times.

Oh then there is the dentist. He has problems for a long time with teeth. His baby teeth came in de-calcified. So they will need fillings tomorrow. Hopefully we can just get it done fast. I know he will be brave. He is so tough. We all need dental appointments.

Next on the random list is the online shopping list.
$16.50 (I needed a new hand bag.) Shipping costs still cost less than a bag at Target:) And I can set this down in the mud and not worry about it getting dirty.

18.00 for two shirts at shades! I love long shirts. I can't get enough of those!

I need some clothes for the fish. He really only needs some pants. We'll see what is on sale:)
Shopping therapy here I come. Well we may have to wait for money. LOL then here I come!

I have almost finished my laundry only four more loads!

1 comment:

k gale said...

What size does the fish wear?