Saturday, March 18, 2006

Sianara(sp), see ya, bye!!

This is good-bye and Farewell.

I know, you will miss my nonscence and BALLY-WHO, but I have some serious patience problems. They are fixed by a certain service called Blogsome. Oh don't cry. I know that you will be ok. It really is you and not me this time. I will miss the time we spent together hours and hours, I know. I am moving on and taking my loving family, and Friday Flip ups along with me. Oh how you will miss me, I know. But we will visit the sites that are still calling you home like all my bloggy friends that are on blogger still.

Oh blogger I will leave you my forwarding address here it is....... you can come and visit me but I am afraid I will not be visiting you. You have really been something to show me my weaknesses and my strengths but I have out grown you.

Please join me and my adventures in self humilation over at.....

Friday, March 17, 2006

Friday Flippin' RULES

This is really one of my favorite things to do. Great writing and funny stuff to read is a pass time now. But seeing my stumpy thumb all over the blogosphere makes my heart happy.Who's kids sit at the computer with helmets on? Come on now that is funny stuff.She turns the everyday into "spectacular, spectacular"(name that movie and win a fun prize!!)

This week's Flip is going to someone that I have been reading often. The fact she is from Idaho makes her a winner in my book. You must check her out and I mean now....

This week's flip goes to...

Drum rolling.........

Here today...... and probably tomorrow Too.

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Thrusday Thirteen

Words I love but don't use nearly enough.

1. Flatuance
2. Neato
3. Boogs
4. Bo-daget
5. Perplexed
6. Bally-hoo
7. Masher
8. Kewl
9. Boss
10. Necked
11. Sissy
12. PO-PO
13. Palieleipipido(Portuguese for Cobblestone)

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

The episode where he says GUCK!!

Thing 1 and I have a new ritual. After bath time we jump into bed and read two books. One is a nursery rhyme book that is Blues Clues theme. Then there is the Little Farm book.

My boy's word for poop is GUCK.

My husband has turned to the dark side and lost much weight on the Atkin's Diet. No carbs in our house.

Scene opens with reading Nursery Rhymes.

Turn to page were I start singing "one potato, two potato, three potatoe four"

On the page there are pictures of potatoes everywhere. My son doesn't know what potatoes are. His little brain converts Potatoes into "GUCKS"

Everytime we open the page he starts yelling gucks gucks gucks and tries to turn the page.
I am going to have to introduce to the POTATO.

Balance and Short

Ok just to balance out that extremely long post filled with typos - sorry. Short one.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Rachel Ray and Bobby Flay I am NOT.

Food Net work has really gotten me into the swing of being a beginer cook. I am interested in the easiest way of mincing garlic with out a food processor. (Hate the Clean-up) I have a new found love for sharp-really sharp knives- and I love to see the families face when they say,"You made this?"

As in all good habits in my life I go gun ho for about two solid weeks then the intrest wanes. This has been the experience with food. Only when I started to get bored with the dinner stuff Christmas came along and there were goodies to be made. I have loved eating the good food though so when I stopped cooking I notice that I turn to Taco Bell for nurishment. ( As my husband will tell me, "that is the worst food you could ever put in your body") Ultimately leading me back to the Food Network home page in search for more delectable dinner options.

One of my relatives came for a visit while I was still in the new phase of cooking. She is a culanary genius and can make some wonderful dishes out of mere cardboard and chicken stock.
During the visit we endulged in some homemade salsa. That was the top for me if you can make your own salsa you are a Godess in my book. So after the visit my husband and I put the kids down for the night and went to the gorciery store for some ingredients of a salsa that I found that looked enticing. We spent many happy moments that evening chopping tomatoe and onion finely and then some irregano ect.

This recipe called for jalepenos ( I don't know how to put the little accent on). Now me being a smart cookie I knew the heat of the jalepeno were in the seeds.

Note: There are people out there that would call me "flighty", "spacey", "bubbly", "forgetful" even "Ditsy". I would not call myself any of those things. I am pretty confident in myself so I would lable myself as "arrogantly ignorant".

As I start gutting the jalepenos the conversation in my head goes as follows:

Self: You know there was some trick to these jalepenos.
J.D.(also Myself): Yeah, but it probably was just how Rachel Ray used a spoon to scoop out the seeds. And the seed are where you get the hot stuff.
Self: Ok well make sure you get all those nasty seed out.
J.D.: Yeah Yeah you are so bossy sometimes.
Self: Gee my eye itches......

This is where the scene plays out in slow motion.

Hand of JD moves slowly to her eye for a danty corner pull rub.

And then we have...






Self: Oh that is starting to burn.
JD: Oh ---- ( replace with your favorite four letter word cause Everyone of them was used that evening.**Yeah pretty sure even that one.)

Pain traveled throughout the eye socket with in miliseconds.

**** Here is where my anatomy lessons came in handy. ******

Your eye ducts connect
to your nose duct.

Your nose duct connects
your mouth and throat duct.

Your nose ducts connect to your
eye duct.

Now for dialogue that outside my head.

JD: Oh ---- Oh---- This stings! This stings!!
BAND: Are you ok?
JD:NO!!! Oh my gosh!! I am on FIRE!!
BAND: What do you want me to do?
JD: Call Poison control!! I need to know If I am going BLIND!! QUICK!! (Followed by much more profane language).

I stuck my face under the kitchen faucet. And then grabbed a handful of ice cubes. Nothing was working. Then I hear only part of a faint conversation in the back room.

BAND:"Yes....umm... this isn't an emergency, hold on....."
"JD they want to know if you are still conscious!!"
JD: YES I am still conscious!!

(To myself: Oh great!! you have really done it this time, people can't even stay conscious trying to recover from this!!! You are going blind!! YOU idiot!! you will never see the sweet faces of your children, you won't see husband's face!! The sky!! Sunrises!! Not to mention wearing sunglasses everywhere!!(ok just not those geriatric sunglasses!! UGHH!!!)

Out loud:

JD: What did poison control say??
Band: I couldn't get the number for poison control so I called 911. The paramedics will be here in a couple min.....Ding DONG.
JD: Oh CRAP!!!

(Enter Four Paramedics)

By now my legs were shaking. And I was visibly shaken from the pain.

JD: I have given birth to two babies and I have never NEVER been in this much pain.

They proceeded to tell me that they thought they were called out to a party where the drinking game had gone arye. I was totally humiliated and finally asked if the pain was from the jalepeno acids burning my eyes out. They said no it was an "oil based irritant". Oh the shame!!!

"Would you like to go to the hospital??"

No if I am not going blind and All they would do is rinse out my Ducts, no. Thank you but no.

After about 40 minutes the saline bath that rinsed my eyes for 15 minutes started to dull the pain.

Thanks Rachel Ray!!! I would have remembered if you slipped on some latex gloves to protect your hands from getting oil on them. No instead you had to carefully touch the skin of the jalepeno and scoop with a spoon. Oh you are too tricky!!

So now that we have covered that ......Last night I went out to BBQ some suculent chicken breasts that marinaded in garlic herb heaven. The healthy respect for fire came back to me as I lit the burners.

Lets just say......I leaned quickly away from the range, with a little less eyebrow, eyelashes, and bangs than I leaned in with.

No, I did not try and reenact the Pepsi commercial with MJ but. I did get those unsightly hairs between my eyebrows removed. (Been meaning to get around to those!whew!)

Moral of this HUGE post.

Buy Pace Picante.

Leave the grillin' to the guys.

Sunday, March 12, 2006

My Mommy and her Muscles

My Mother teaches a class once a week of three years old. She has more fun then any of the kids she instructs. Durrnig one of her lessons one little boy came up to her and started to stroke the back of her arm. Now my mother just tried to play it off as though he was feeling for big muscles,"Oh BIG muscles!!"she grumbled as he just stroked gently the back of her tricep.

She did admitted she wondered if he was loving the fluffy-ness of the back of her arm.

Fast forward to the following week's class and we have said boy comming to the frount of the class and proceeding to stroke the back of my mom's arm. She turns to him and in her grumbling voice says, "Big Muscles!!"

His eyes get big and he responds with a stroke of the frount of her body (Bre*st area) and Says
"Oh Yeah, you do Have Really BIIIIIG Muscles." Her cup size is just above the letter J. So he was right in the identification of BIIIGG.

She giggled about it, and I laughed so hard it hurt. She is a nurse and one of the funniest ones I know. She may or may not have been too embarressed to tell his parents about adipose tissue vs. Muscle tissue identificaiton skills he may have to work on. You never can tell with her she is kinda funny.

Friday, March 10, 2006

It is time to post!!! Oh good I missed my bloggin time

This week has been nuts!! Nuts I tell you. I am sitting calmly on the couch devouring a solid 9 1/2 .OZ of Cheetos Crunchy Flammin hot heaven. I have been all over the board this week, hence the lack of posting. It is so nice to beable to just veg.

So to make up for the no post here is a post and I mean a POST.

Some of the events are in photos above.

We have Piggies. We have a cleaning phase going on with Thing 2. Spray bottles and window, vacumes and cleanser wipes. And don't worry I do know that it doesn't last!!! I am enjoying it as it is here for now.

This week we have pulled out the binki from thing 1 during the day and he has added some fine new words to his vocabulary. Go figure all this time I thought it was the Baby Signs.

New words this week have been

"Spasss"= splash
"Assst"= Fast (I think it will be a while until he gets the consanants down")
"issse" = Ice
" Pusssk"= Push
"ork"= fork
"ooon"= spoon
"lue"= Blue ( this could be for his chair, or Blues Clues)

I think that is it.
For Thing 2
"hey" and "hi" are pretty clear and cute as anything I have heard for awhile.

There are some new goodies to report...... "Goody" has put out a dip that has cheese, crab and chives. Oh some really good stuff. I love it smothered over some bread bread and more toasted bread.

Calling all recipies for dip. DIP I SAY. If you have a good one send it over to the comments list. I am in a mood for a good DIP!!!

It's here once again!!!

Ok this week's Blogger has an enormous following and there are some specific reasons I would like to point out.

THIS post.
Then This one.

I have had a blast being one of her many readers. This week's good job goes to......

Riley's Ramblings

You will get hooked too!! Happy blogging everyone!!

Saturday, March 04, 2006

I will take one of those......

We are in line at our local grocery store and there is the lady at the checkout stand and I take a look at the gum stand and start to make my selection.

Then I ask," Do you have any recommendations?"

Wrigley's Extra Watermelon is the one given. I am recommending that, and the new KOOLERS pinha colada. Great choices for sugarless gum. I can just feel the cancer starting in all the parts of my body as I chew*.

This is kinda how it is for me. If it comes recommended I will give it a whirl.
Here are some of the things that are new to me this week.

1. Frozen Food Junkism: I am now loving three cheese sauce and Broccoli, Friday's Chicken quesadilla, Marie Calendars Chicken Broccoli and Fettucini Alfredo, Oh and the before mentioned Shredded beef Chimmichangas you can get at Sams.

2. The AP literature Reading list. I figure I am almost thirty now I can start reading and understanding those books now. Well we will see. LOL I sure didn't get them when I read them in High School.

3. The new pen that I am testing out is the Papermate Profile. It has a 1.4 Boldness to it you can't find in any of the other ball point pens. (Did I mention I was obsessed?)

4. Doing some calm breathing before taking exams.

5. Doing some calm breathing before deciding how to punish thing 1 for dumping the fruit stars all over the countertop.

6. Started checking off a list of people from my past to reconnect with. I would happily call it a "stalker list", only I am not calling any old boyfriends or past love interests. Just friends that are girls that I have not talked with for a really long time.
- The next person is my bestfriend from Jr. High. ( That should be fun!)

What are new things you have tried lately??

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Folks I would like to present the Friday Flip-up of today.

She started her blog right around the time I did and I have been following for a good two months now. Her style of writing is ..... real. Lately I have been filled with heartfelt thanks for her tender posts. She has bravely thrown out a very personal and genuine post out into, the sometimes scarry and bottomless, world of the net. I know from her feedback that she is inspiring not only me but so many others as well. She writes as though she has a direct connection to the center of the human soul. She credits her Maker in all she does.

Her posts have truely have become an uplifting part of my day around blog land.

This week's enthusiastic Flip goes to........

My Quiet Corner

Good Job with your blog! Keep up the good work.

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Now he's finally able to STRIP!!!

I have been trying to put off the "teach" Thing 1 to take off his clothes. I figured he'd get it. There are some true exibitionist genes in this boys genetic makeup I have been waiting to back fire on me for along time now. I will
not name names of those whose genes I am speaking BUT..............

Here they are...

..........................There you go. If you would like some good birthday suit stories ask them yourselves.

As luck would have it Thing 1 has had no intrest in taking off his clothes until it has hindered the speed of which he can throw his dry little body into the bath. He love his bath. He was pretty quick to pick up the removal of the pants. The shirt until recently has remained a mystery.

One day after naptime I walked onto this scene .........

Yes, shirts are tricky! And thank goodness he still remained in the DIAPER!!!

Oh and we still are installing the electric fencing around Thing 2's crib.