Saturday, February 28, 2009

The Secret Locked room.... ohhhhh!

Once upon a long time ago like a year and two months to be exact we moved from a 4bdrm. To a three bedroom. We used one bedroom for us, one for our children :( and one for all the storage items we said we'd figure out what to do with (double sad face.) Now I am ready for it to be a bedroom for Thing 1 and thing 2 can chill with the fish still.
We need to down size our clutter it is just the economic times and it is really hard to keep this house running with the doom that has collected in that room. We have all the things kids can't get into. Like books we'd like to keep nice with little effort. The "secret locked room" has been great but it has served a good an noble purpose and it is time to shake things up. I will show some before and after pictures-maybe, but don't count on it. The band was getting some of the books listed on to I love that site. We found so many movies for so cheap there.

Anywho maybe I'll find my phone in all the stuff.

I really am so excited to see what crap ola sells on Ebay. All the rest of it is going to Craig's list. If you want something call me I probably have it.

Friday, February 27, 2009

Kinder Registration... again.

Palms sweaty....that's not new they nearly always sweat. But I am nervous for him. I just want to build a bubble of soft cushy love around him so if he gets his feelings hurt it will catch him.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

To Scarry for words really....

This frightens me bad I am wigged out I tell you....

Look at what I found hanging out at the top of the screen of the Baby Other category on ebay.....
Seriously is anyone else creeped out by this? I mean sure baby dolls are cute but to make one that looks preemie and just way too real. I thought for a minute it was real and it made me click on it faster. But then I saw the pictures. Yuck. And totally freaked out. Thought I would share. Maybe the seller's photos will stay on there. So everyone can be grossed out as I am.

It is 6:23 and yes all. (Wait I am reaching and knocking on some wood) Of. My.Kids.Are.Sleeping. I do realize this means I am up with the whole gang again at 4:30 am :) but really I can get all my crap done and go to bed by ten tonight. Right? Wrong cause I am going to the movies at 10:20 with the girls. I can get in a nap before I have to go though that may help.

Oh crap I put thing 1 in my bed and no pull-up. Am I the only mother with a five year old that has this much excitement? Thing 2 doesn't wet the bed. But it is a hit and miss with Thing 1. So on the pull-up goes at night.

The Band is going to DC this next weekend to see a buddy of his and I am excited he gets to check out some cool stuff. I can't wait to hear all about it. Do I want to go? Heck yes I do. Do I want to fly to get there? HE__ NO. I hate flying. I don't know if the 18hours I spent on a plane being 7 months preggers with Thing 1 was such a good idea. Loved traveling on the ground. Hated flying in a plane with extremely swollen ankles.

I guess that is a post in itself.

So i can't wait to see the pictures and the sites from his camera lense :) I have been mad crazy on Facebook lately and have strongly considered some alternatives to tossing away countless hours chatting and chilling finding old friends. And then I think wow look at all the people I can find. This kinda scares me.

I really prided myself for a long time in being tough. I was such a Tom-boy growing up nothing scared me. Now it just take a preemie and facebook to give me the heebie jeebies. I am such a wuss.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

I don't know what got into the water

I don't know if it was the water.... or the fact things are mellowing out around here but Thing 1 has gone from a total terror to angel child with in 48 hours.

This morning he is not beyond reason but i think the cold is getting to him. He came home and was crying at school. The art time/playtime dilemma again. He is so tired lately and I think the baby is waking him early. He does have that stuffy nose too.

He is crashed out on my bed right now. No fights no upsets.....weird. He fought it in the car but then I explained to him how our bodies need extra sleep when we have a cold. He was pretty good to just eat and crash.

He is getting his "evaluation" this next week I think.
We just need to nail what is going on.

I have noticed that when he has something to work for he does better. We started the Money in the jar thing. Every time we caught him being good he got money in his jar. When he was not so hot he got it taken out.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Buliding a City

One of our favorite playtime activities is to get out the tape (masking or some opaque tape) and map out a city block or a place we can set up a city or rail way. The kids love using the tape as roads and extra boxes to play city, airport, or Kitty kennel.

The kids love it and I love watching them invent other things that turn into stores, gas stations, McDonalds(only cause we live there :) and parks.

Sunday, February 08, 2009

Running Running And More Running

Yeah there is this spunky little man who today in Church ran up to the frount and all the way back behind the speaker. Chasing him wasn't a good idea.

He is so spunky lately. Still a little clingy but honnestly trying to talk more. I worry about his speach being delayed like his brother but he has some older siblings that talk for him

He says very clearly "no" and not so clearly "I don't know" I love this little face so much....he has a high pitched shrill of a scream but I love his little guts.

My Band has been still sick but he seems to be doing good. We have a doctor's appointment tomorrow. Hopefully we can get some ideas about what is going on.

Wednesday, February 04, 2009

What has gone down in January.....

Well like my last post noted..... We have been sick. The Band got some really funky viral infection. It brought these symptoms, no one can figure out what he has.

*vomitting from both ends
*Rash top to bottom
*body aches
*muscle soreness
* fatigue
*liver effects, Biliruben(sp) Build up
*swollen feet and Hands

Here have been some of the good "educated guesses"

*viral Hepitits
* Epstein Bar Virus
* Mono