Sunday, January 04, 2009

Day three. Universal.

We went for a couple of hours to Universal Studios. There are some fun things there during Christmas. The Who's are inf full view with the grinch or as thing 2 calls him "the mean Monkey"

Thing 1 loved Shrek, and came away with a new fear of Sponge Bob Square Pants. Thing 2 didn't freak out but that is because the freaky little guy inside the suit didn't chase after her!!
LOL oh well I guess we won't be needing to get cable with Nickelodeon this year. :)Funny he really loved sharks.

I really think that if we go back we will do it when the kids are older.


Jo Lynn said...

You are so flippin funny Jenn. That's hilarious he stripped in the bathroom and so sad you waited that long just for two ferries!

Lilian said...

My friend has a little guy that strips down ever time he goes potty top! So funny!

Looks like a fun Christmas trip for sure!! Although, we are going to be in Disney two weeks from today! DANG... we just missed ya!

Lilian said...

What the????
Okay, my first sentence in the last comment should have read, "My friend has a little guy that strips down EVERY time he goes potty TOO!..."

k gale said...

Sounds like an excellent trip. Joel would be so jealous of meeting sponge bob. I do totally need to call you. ps. Check Darin's face book for the newest 411 in the gale family.