Monday, September 26, 2011


Ok so many if you know about my famous night mares and I won't go in to them here but I will divulge my sweethearts nightmares! This morning he woke up saying he had the WORST dream.
It went like this.
We met a new family and we were hanging out at their house and the husband of the other couple kept changing into his birthday suit. And would ask if anyone minded! And of course in his dream I said no problems here as I totally checked him out! And then we all go outside and play KICKBALL.

He woke up all mad I was checking the guy out. Awesome! I just can't stop laughing about the kickball part! So random and totally hilarious!
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Sunday, September 25, 2011


211 Yeah that is how many posts we have here. But I guess there is that other blog floating out there that I really should print up.

Today was a great church day! Love hearing great lessons and totally being ready for another week. This week Thing 2 starts bringing home circulo de lectura which is fine I just know how well it worked for Thing1 and how hard it was to form that routine of reading it three times ect. I am going to make him read some smaller books and do them three times too lol. Thanks to R. we have a new stash of captain underpants books and I am dreading the next moves of my children. I think we might put those off and read the Box Car children for a bit then read them. :)
I have heard the magic tree house series is another one that is fun. I am thinking I want fun and not funny because of the "humor" that is used in the funny ones. I liked Junie B. Jones. But after awhile it was effecting my grammar! It is hard to hold fast to the rules of grammar and then tryin to let them go for storytime every night for a week. I would love to get on a exchange program where we all switch out our children's books evey couple of weeks. I guess you call that a library but I am not allowed to go in there with the threat of them taking one of the children hostage because of my long list of fines. I never did finish "River of Doubt"

Thursday, September 22, 2011

The first possible book ban

Lets start with yesterday. Where i blogged some photos of the cutest baby and totally was ready for an easy day.

Wrong. Dead wrong.
Thing 1 came home and told me he gave a kid a wedgie. Yeah his teacher is noticing some behavioral issues that are starting to alarm me and her. He just thinks gross things are fantastically funny.I do find the story he told the class that his dad has a "toenail collection" to be quite funny. His little class mates on the other hand get farther and farther away from being friends with the kid who tells the gross stories and then laughs himself silly over them.

So I asked why he gave him a wedgie and he said he got mad about not getting to do the zip line at the playground. And added as a side note that the kid showed him his manly goods. Only he used the technical word. Pause..... what the heck! Why did he show you his junk? In response to my question he stated matter of fact, cause I asked him to.

"Well I asked him to show me his bare bottom but he didn't do that he just showed his (enter word for male part)" calmly finishing his confessional not reading the surprised expression on his face. Ok freak out mode in sued and I sent him to his room while the band talked me off the ledge of someone is taking him away from us cause he is now the kid who inspects other kid's junk.

In all my horror I did forget that there was an adorable little boy waiting to hear how in trouble he was. We sat down and had a very serious conversations about bodies and why we have them and that we don't show people those parts ect.

He is such a sweet kid and is trying to make friends in the new school he started this fall. We have made small goals at home and I know his amazing teacher is working with him at school. He really is trying to do all that he can to to be good and fit in but he has just a quirky personality. So we are working with him a little each day on things he really can improve on.

Next there was our new bed. Moobie our wonderful dog peed all over my side of the bed!! Oh my gosh killing wasn't an option but definately showing her who alpha dog was. And she knows. And I mean KNOWS. Gabe was so nervous that the Band would be mad at the dog for ever that he started yelling
"Dad you just have to forgive her! She is just a dog and doesn't know any better. To her is was just a comfortable doggy toilet"

Put on repeat.
There is the best stain removal recipe and our wonderful bed is stain and stink free! It was like it never happened! Soo gonna use this on the kids beds when they stain them!

Now for the next part of the day.... Thing 1 brings home this book from his library at school. Thanks tax payers of Davis. He was thrilled to show me something he had created in the upstairs bathroom. I knew it was some sort of classified mess. Little did I know he had decorated each toilet in the fashion you see below. Yes complete with teeth and eyes. I thought it was creative and since it wasn't done with sharpies, he and I were still friends.

Fast forward to the next morning when I send thing2 to the shower. She comes down crying and said she was scared and couldn't shower! I was pressed for time, and still needed her to eat breakfast, I told her not to worry about it get the breakfast on the table.

After school today it was her time for confessions. She said that she had been in the bathroom and peed in a glass. I was thoroughly disgusted and asked which bathroom and she said in the bathroom but she had washed out the glass and poured it down the sink. Totally Depardeau style gross! Then I put two and two together she had been scared to use the toilets that were still decorated as attacking toilets!! AWESOME!

To wrap up the yesterday episode. I called his teacher to talk about it. She said that she was standing there and no male parts were disclosed! His teacher is pretty positive about the whole thing and says second grade is the time when they all are pretty gross and thing 1 is just extra vocal about it.

I am so thrilled she is so patient and kind to his little devious side. Maegan has used the toilet again.

And I am happy to report the dog still lives on.