Tuesday, July 19, 2011

The ten minute test.

The kids have had a hard time going to bed all summer and during this first couple weeks of school. The only thing that has constantly worked is what is now called "a test"

It works like this. You set a timer for 10 minutes. During the time that is set on the clock you aren't allowed to talk,open your eyes, or move. If you do you have to start over the time on the timer. If they can stay awake the entire ten mins they get to get out of bed and go play for ten mins. If you move and the timer has to be reset three times your test ends and you just have to go to sleep. Ok the trick is for every ninth time they fall asleep in four minutes you give them one or two times of "winning" so they keep the dream alive that this will be the time they beat the timer.

Both things and the fish clamor for this game and it is heaven not having to fight them to go to bed anymore.

Thank you guy who told us how he used to go sleep when he was young in some random talk.

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