This is the kindergarten project we did for the auction comming up on Feb. 5 at the local art center. We started with photo copies of the little plants had each student color them in. Then taking all the left over scrap booking letter supplies we made the lables. Put about three to five coats of Mod podge on them. Sealed them up and glossed them with a nice acrylic sealer* and stuck them all in a pot.
I had so much fun with the kids and seeing them color so carefully was so much fun.
Finding the 25 different plants was the difficult part.
Oh and the sealer mishap.
**sealer mishap: used sealer outside to spray twenty five spoons. Inhaled enough to not be able to read for about 6 hours.
The Band asked me where I was married as a general knowledge question.... yeah took me a good minute to answer. It was like a cloud was hiding all the thinks I knew I knew. I paniced and started to get a raging headache then I yacked. Felt a bit better. The Band aired out the house and took the "dried" project outside. Then I went to sleep it off. Woke up still a little hazy but could read.
Moral of the story: USE acrylic Sealer for a longer periods of time, indoors if you would like to erase all memories of your wedding and children's names.