Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Book or Recipe by it's cover..... Don't judge!

Ok so a couple weeks ago I am thumbing through the Cookbooks I have and I have some Country cooking book that had some "misc" recipes in the back. I love these kinds I could read these all day long. But one caught my eye

Peanut Butter Banana Toasted sandwiches.

Come on. Are you kidding me? Mashed banana in Peanut butter?? I have had some crazy combos like
Salt on Mangos
Cereal and Yogurt
Crepes and Yogurt
cottage cheese and Ruffles potato chips
I mean I am willing to give anything pretty much ago.... ask R.G. I downed some nasty sesame seed sweet ball of pooh yesterday.

The Banana and Peanut butter sounded to me like someone pulled it off of the Oscar the grouch menu. Something like "Pickles and Ice cream"

So I had to give it a whirl.

LOVED IT! Made my kids eat it and they TOTALLY LOVED IT.

So here it is. Peanut butter mixed with two mashed bananas to taste.... sandwhich them like toasted cheesers and grill them on each side. Eat hot steamy mess and LOVE IT TOO! I dare you.

Two brothers

Yesterday morning around 4:30am I woke up to some light peering through my door. The normal dark house is not usually lit up so well at that hour. I slowly made my way down the stairs. I then hear some clanging and banging of our fisherprice train set. I look and the two boys are already getting the tracks laid and the trains moving.

I am too tired to be really upset. So I gently tell them to go back to sleep.
Thing 1 instantly turns to the FISH and in a direct tone says,

"I told you this was a bad idea!" We had two cranky boys to deal with yesterday.

If it Sounds Gross.....

It could be but try it anyways. Here is where I am going with this. I love food and yesterday I went with a friend to a SUSHI BUFFET. I thought it was just a normal sushi place. I am glad I didn't research it before hand and just went. So glad we did! Thanks R.G. I need some more adventures in my life.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Any one want to RACE?

On Labor Day this year I ran a 5k It was so much fun!
Here are some of our crazy shots. :) the after ones are the best who knows what was going through my head!

Sunday, September 13, 2009


We had a surprise birthday party for our friend B.W. and we had so much fun getting there and setting the whole thing up.
Here are some of the shots from the party. Thanks I.W. for setting this up we had a total blast!

Friday, September 11, 2009

Thing 1 Humor

I have to post about Thing 1's humor lately. Couple years ago it was the art of the nonsense joke. Where you just got the cue to laugh from his own fierce laughter.
This week we have been introduced to "practical jokester Thing 1"

"Hey Mom! I have Poo on my arm" he yells from the bathroom. This was such a disgustingly gross image that entered my mind so I armed myself with baby wipes . Then he showed me his "muddied" arm. It was peanut butter. FUNNY...... to him..... Me I still used the wipes for the peanut butter.

Earlier .......
I am getting out of the shower and started dressing. I think I had one item of clothing on. All of a sudden I hear foot steps on the stairs. My door is the one at the top of the stairs. So I call out...."oh Who is there" and I hear a quick answer "It's me George"

You would think that simple phrase would have no effect.... WRONG with that simple phrase I have never moved across my laundry filled bedroom so swiftly. I was a lighting bolt. I can't even remember crossing the room I was just there shutting the door. FAST.

"George" is our neighbor. You know, you have a "George" in your neighborhood too. The one that knocks on your door at the same time everyday to see if Thing 1 (or your child) can play. He has been known to not understand "boundaries" being only six I can cut him some slack. Let's be honest, I am still working on that.... I just didn't want to blind our fine youth we have in our neighbor hood :)