Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Book or Recipe by it's cover..... Don't judge!

Ok so a couple weeks ago I am thumbing through the Cookbooks I have and I have some Country cooking book that had some "misc" recipes in the back. I love these kinds I could read these all day long. But one caught my eye

Peanut Butter Banana Toasted sandwiches.

Come on. Are you kidding me? Mashed banana in Peanut butter?? I have had some crazy combos like
Salt on Mangos
Cereal and Yogurt
Crepes and Yogurt
cottage cheese and Ruffles potato chips
I mean I am willing to give anything pretty much ago.... ask R.G. I downed some nasty sesame seed sweet ball of pooh yesterday.

The Banana and Peanut butter sounded to me like someone pulled it off of the Oscar the grouch menu. Something like "Pickles and Ice cream"

So I had to give it a whirl.

LOVED IT! Made my kids eat it and they TOTALLY LOVED IT.

So here it is. Peanut butter mixed with two mashed bananas to taste.... sandwhich them like toasted cheesers and grill them on each side. Eat hot steamy mess and LOVE IT TOO! I dare you.


Erin said...

Are you kidding?? Bananas and PB are a kids STAPLE!! I didn't know there was a soul who hadn't had it. Your poor deprived children. All this time...

We, at our peanut free house, eat bananas and Nutella sandwiches for lunch.

Take that Oscar.

Emily said...

This sounds fantastic. I like a peanut butter & banana sandwich, just with PB & sliced bananas. But cold.

This is an awesome idea - hot and all mashed up. Mmm. Will definitely try this.

Jo Lynn said...

Sounds really yukky. :) Loved all the posts, how fun to do a party for BW! Hey, we are running the Davis turkey trot 10k and would love for you to join! Sign up soon cuz it's cheaper. YOu need to blog with your new family pictures. :)

Philip and Jaime Connor said...

Love PB and banana, but never tried it grilled. I will definitely give it a shot. Thanks Jen :)

Rebecca said...

I'm SOOOO making that for lunch tomorrow!!!