Monday....Worked out. Used the portable small screen in my van to play the DVD cause we didn't have keys to the library.Found out that King Fua is preggers. If she can have another maybe I wont need a sedation when I find out I am preggers next. (This is not an announcement. I am constantly paranoid about "expecting," I just never expect to be expecting.)
Tuesday.... worked out. Getting tired of Tony's voice lol. Fought with the Band over stupid stuff. Thing 2 is still in Preschool and so picked her up and went to the Park with VAL!! Yeah! Her kids are getting so big and I can't wait to see her new edition soon! Here are some shots of the wee ones at the park.
Wednesday Helped the A's clean their apt. And man I am going to miss them. We really have to get out to Utah to see them. Thing 1 helped clean the walls and had fun playing with the other kids. I just feel bad we couldn't stay and see them off. Picked up Thing 2 and she cracks me up about how excited she is to see us. She is always the last one eating snack. Wed night we had the neighbor kids come and chill while M went out with the girls.... Totally chill night. It was 11:30 and the smallest of the three wouldn't got to sleep and kept smacking me if I started to nod off. It made me laugh I was so tired that was all I could do.
Thursday Took the boys to WINCO. Another refreshing reminder why I don't shop with any one shorter than myself. As if I needed one after all the reminders of the here... Or here on the old blog. I can't believe I tried it again. This time I had one lady cover her ears and shake her head. Yeah the fish has this crazy scream that he whips out only on special occasions. This was one really special one. For thirty minutes! I was loading the cart and he was at my knees trying to pull himself up my pant leg when I promptly put him back in the cart. He totally freaked and
I felt better cause he started it all up again when my Band and Uncle Mike came to town :)
We went to McDonalds and had a good time watching the kiddos play and telling stories. You'll have to ask me about Octopus and the Book of Enos later. It was soo good to see Uncle Mike and catch up. I am sooo totally bummed that we won't be headed to the Family Reunion this month.
Here are the kids with their Uncle. Note: Thing 2 has an outfit on that defies all description.... this was her outfit # 3 of the day.
Then the Band left for HOBY. Don't know what HOBY is well I have a link for that. And yes you can ohhh and aawww over the site The Band and M put it together.
He left and won't be back til Sunday. I will be stunned to see all children still alive.
Friday It is the Band's Birthday and he is at HOBY and we all go see him around 1:45. The kids are going nuts and I am too by this time so no cute cake or any happy birthday festivities until later....I have to still cook something good up.
I got in the mail the cookbook that I printed on I love it! It came out awesome and all the recipes won't just be sitting any longer.
We go and clean up another family in the ward's apt. and man I took all three.... not really such a good idea if "Cleaning" is what you want to accomplish. I think we were there for a solid 45 minutes before the kids started to vacate the building on their own. I appologized and still feel bad that I wasn't much help.
Well that was it and today was a find the lost pair of Thing1's glasses for like 7 hours. My house was completely turned upside down and back today. Sorry kids. As Thing 1 put it "Can we do something really fun tomorrow Mom?"
Yep just getting that planned out now......
What is that MAGIC thing that Fruit Snacks do, I don't get it, but why oh why can't they just last a little longer? I'd use Now n' Laters, but they're WAY too Drool Inducing. :)
PS: I absolutely HAVE to check out your Cookbook sometime!!!
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