Lounging= cleaning reminders. I can't believe the loads of laundry that have piled and unpiled themselves as we listened to conference. I know, I know, I need to listen and pay attention right?? Well you haven't seen my house lately and the transformation that has taken place.
My bedroom alone just threw up three trash bags full of clothes for the SWAP on Wed. And that was from the clean bins! I am going to be shocked at what is next. The kids helped after they each sat and with the computer in their laps for a single talk. Thing 1 watched the
E. Oaks talk and said.
"This guy says "Desires" so many times MOM!"
Lol he did sit and listen to the whole thing.
The Band and I watched the inbetween messages on Sunday. Totally both of us lost it on the E. Holland Mormon Message about the young family and the Dad who broke down in the car. Huh did that hit home? Yeah just a bit.
Can't wait to do more laundry and listen to the conference again!