This frightens me bad I am wigged out I tell you....
Look at what I
found hanging out at the top of the screen of the Baby Other category on ebay.....
Seriously is anyone else creeped out by this? I mean sure baby dolls are cute but to make one that looks preemie and just way too real. I thought for a minute it was real and it made me click on it faster. But then I saw the pictures. Yuck. And totally freaked out. Thought I would share. Maybe the seller's photos will stay on there. So everyone can be grossed out as I am.
It is 6:23 and yes all. (Wait I am reaching and knocking on some wood) Of. My.Kids.Are.Sleeping. I do realize this means I am up with the whole gang again at 4:30 am :) but really I can get all my crap done and go to bed by ten tonight. Right? Wrong cause I am going to the movies at 10:20 with the girls. I can get in a nap before I have to go though that may help.
Oh crap I put thing 1 in my bed and no pull-up. Am I the only mother with a five year old that has this much excitement? Thing 2 doesn't wet the bed. But it is a hit and miss with Thing 1. So on the pull-up goes at night.
The Band is going to DC this next weekend to see a buddy of his and I am excited he gets to check out some cool stuff. I can't wait to hear all about it. Do I want to go? Heck yes I do. Do I want to fly to get there? HE__ NO. I hate flying. I don't know if the 18hours I spent on a plane being 7 months preggers with Thing 1 was such a good idea. Loved traveling on the ground. Hated flying in a plane with extremely swollen ankles.
I guess that is a post in itself.
So i can't wait to see the pictures and the sites from his camera lense :) I have been mad crazy on Facebook lately and have strongly considered some alternatives to tossing away countless hours chatting and chilling finding old friends. And then I think wow look at all the people I can find. This kinda scares me.
I really prided myself for a long time in being tough. I was such a Tom-boy growing up nothing scared me. Now it just take a preemie and facebook to give me the heebie jeebies. I am such a wuss.